Monday, July 16, 2007

Virtual Voodoo and Family

As I have said, my sister introduced me to the idea of virtual voodoo. She heard about it at work. It was a wonderful site. You could choose girl or boy, glasses, and all sorts of details for the doll. After defacing the doll digitally, there were several menacing messages that could be selected to accompany the image. It was always something like, 'you shouldn't have done that.' Fabulous. And then you would email it and it was completely anonymous. Plus, you could check back to see if it had been opened.

In the midst of our first flirtation with this program, my brother got engaged. If you knew my brother, you would know it seemed at the time that the girl would be extremely dubious. It turns out years later that she was really quite all right, very tolerable. But without ever having met her, we were convinced that this girl was no good. So we sent our future sister-in-law voodoo emails. Several, if I remember correctly. I don't think she ever read them. But even today, any voodoo reminds me of her.

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