Friday, April 27, 2007

April is not the Cruelest month

I don't often have the guts to get up and hit out at Eliot from the shoulder, but I have to disagree. April is not the Cruelest Month. July is, due to the total dearth of any acceptable spectator sports. April is a wonderful month for all NBA fans of teams with any credibility at all. I rejoice in April, for I am a San Antonio Spurs fan.

I have never even been to Texas, but I long have held the position (as a person who gets terribly sunburnt in the slightest solar radiation) that I would never live in Texas, except for in San Antonio because of the Spurs. And the river. I am fond of rivers.

The Spurs have no shortage of credibility. Three Championships in the last ten years. Their success, their hardworking gritty defense, their collective being makes my heart sparkle. And they have the amazing Trifecta of Foreign Perfection with Tim Duncan, Tony Parker, and Manu Ginobli. One day they will probably each have their own posts here, and one entirely dedicated to Tony's eyebrows. Polite Incredulity, anyone?

Can anything really compare to the second championship, clinched on Father's Day, and the last game of David Robinson's career? True, it took place in June, but it started in April, with the start of the playoffs.

Perhaps Eliot was referring to the fact that MLB starts in April. Now that is too cruel. It's nothing but a distraction. In fact, the juxtaposing of baseball and Playoff Basketball is similar to
playing the Spice Girls on a crappy boom box on stage while a full orchestra is playing Debussy in the pit. Truly, it is a fiendish punishment. The world deserves better.

But I will being enjoying the waning moments of April tomorrow as I watch the Spurs beat the Nuggets (who I actually like, and would want to win, except when playing a team I like more. I think AI and 'Melo is an intriguing combination especially if the rest of the team can transform from their injury-prone, made from balsa wood current form).

Let us close with a psalm of praise for Don Nelson and his ability to really screw with Dallas. Amen!

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